News article

Eco-Fun Day at the Nursery and Bushy Point

Again the weather looked dubious for this years’ Eco Fun Day, but in the end the rain stayed away and we had 19 children and their family members having a blast of a time at the Southland Community Nursery and at the Bushy Point Restoration Area. We identified animal pests and looked at what pest control is happening through the Otatara Pestbusters. Insects from the forest and ponds, along with tadpoles were observed, leaves were matched, unnatural things were spotted in the ngahere, and NZ native plants were planted and measured adding to the “Forest in the Making” at Bushy Point. Measuring some of the trees first planted back in 2015 at our first Eco Fun Day is getting difficult – as the trees are so high up! We enjoyed being outside on a lovely day. Big thanks to all who helped.

Eco-Fun day is organised by Kiwi Conservation Club (KCC, Otatara Landcare Group ( and the Southland Community Nursery (

Bushy Point Restoration Area is a great place to visit. Public access is off Bryson Road. Check out
