Threatened Plants Garden

The Southland Threatened Plants Garden is managed by Chris and Brian Rance on their property in Otarara. The aim of the garden is to conserve Southland’s threatened plants, providing backup populations for endangered species. The garden is a sanctuary for over 70 plant species native to New Zealand which face threat of extinction in the wild.

Purpose of the garden

Chris and Brian Rance manage the garden to conserve Southland’s threatened plants and provide backup populations for endangered species. It is also a great way for you to see plants you wouldn’t normally find in the wild.

What you’ll find

The Southland Threatened Plants Garden has been divided into five beds:

  • Southland islands.
  • Chatham islands.
  • Southland coastal.
  • Southland other.
  • The rest of New Zealand.

Stop in for a visit

Make an appointment to visit the garden, see the plants, learn about why native plants become threatened, and how to identify them. See our contact details below.

Find out more about threatened plants in Southland.

Thanks to our sponsors

We would like to thank Yates Horticultural Company and Forest & Bird for sponsorship, and the Department of Conservation for their support.

Find out more

Check out the New Zealand Plant Conservation Network (NZPCN) for more information about New Zealand’s threatened species.

Contact us to find out more.